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It is the story of Cymbeline as Shakespeare presented it, written in prose form, using language adjusted for four hundred years of discovery, commerce, industry and invention which have influenced the words we use and the way we use them.



The Story
A king's daughter goes against her father's wishes and marries a lowborn gentleman instead of her oafish step-brother. The angry king banishes the husband from Britain before the marriage can be consummated.


The husband flees to exile in Rome. One night he is drawn into a heated discussion in defence of his wife’s honour and matches a wager made against her fidelity.


Shown false, but indisputable proof by the cheat who made the wager, the despairing husband sends orders to his servant in Britain to murder princess Imogen.


The servant, knowing her innocence, provides a disguise and a plan for her to masquerade as a boy page to travel to Wales where she can catch a boat to Rome and straighten everything out.


Meanwhile the step-oaf forces the servant to reveal Imogen’s whereabouts and races after her, determined to rape and humiliate her, then drag her back to court.


What none of them count on is that actions taken years previously interfere with their plans.


Like Rome launching an invasion against Britain by way of Wales.

© 2013 by J. Aldric Gaudet


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